Tuesday 8 December 2015

Creating a Digipak

Funk music uses a variety of colours. Neon and bright colours are commonly used as well as dark pink and purple, used to be suggestive of a sexual nature, usually reflected in the music video. An excellent example artist is Snarky Puppy. A group composed of lots of musicians, they perform different genres, but usually delve into funk and similar genres. They use lots of soft colours, and happy imagery. This is common for funk musicians as it distinguishes themselves from other genres. The simple cover is also common, as to show that they don't need distractions from the music.

Cover for Snarky Puppy - We like it here
Album cover for Prince
Prince, a world renown artist also uses simplistic album covers to sell his music. The theme of love is usually apparent, usually being the main focus of the cover. This cover isn't as explicit as others, although does contain Prince topless. The colour scheme is similar to Vulfpeck's, as is the simplistic style.
We decided to approach our digipak in a similar way to that of Vulfpeck's "Fugue state" song. We decided, as Vulfpeck use bright colours we would do the same.

We picked this colour, a light sky blue, as Vulfpeck did for 'Fugue State'. We noticed that their song/album covers are relatively simplistic, yet effective in portraying the artists. We went with this approach, seeking to create a simplistic album, representative of Vulfpeck's and we stuck with the same colour conventions. We edited a guitar into the the picture and duplicated it, similar to how Vulfpeck duplicated two of their musicians to the same effect.


Funk music tend to use curly writing for their font that is displayed with their music.On album covers, posters and more, curly writing is a very common sight for funk music. We decided to try different fonts to see whether they would fit better with our digipak, which we then decided that no other font seemed to fit better. After testing other fonts, we applied a curved font, similar to that of funk convention. As for the colour of the font, we decided to use a colour that stood out. We first suggested black, as to stand out from the background. But ultimately decided to go with orange, as it fit in with the colour scheme and code of funk music.

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