Tuesday 5 January 2016


Non diegetic sounds are sounds that appear outside of the movie world. For example this could be a narrator, speaking to the audience. The characters within the story, film or movie can not hear this or are even aware of it going on yet us, as the viewer can hear the sound.

For our production of a music video we were wondering whether or not to include non diegetic sounds in our final piece. We were thinking of having a narrator explaining the on goings of the scene, comical sounds effects such as a 'POW' every time our character changes cloths.

We thought about this as an aspect and media technique for our final production and decided against the use of any non diegetic sounds for the simple reason of us just not needing it. Also we feel it would lower the quality of our production as non diegetic sound effects are often used in cartoons and slapstick movies. Are production is neither of those. 

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