Tuesday 19 January 2016

Magazine Advert Examples

To create a successful magazine advert, we researched numerous adverts to analyse.
For example, WWF created a powerful ad to show the effects of climate change.

-The use of the grey, drab colours make the polar stand out, highlighting the danger.
-The mechanic surrounded by tools is also a dig at the fact 'There are no tools that can stop extinction'
-The small text at the top is effective, as it does not force you to read large paragraphs, but instead lets the consumer interpret and digest the visual information.
-Extinction. Can't be fixed' Short sentences and straight to the point.

-'Art in progress' in the bottom right gains customer interest effectively as it is short, and not to forced.
-The creation process in the add, being obviously different to that of real life seems to hint at the beer being more modern than other drinks, which is aimed at young adults possibly in their 20's.
-Also, a trend of 'hows it's made' style advertisements are becoming more and more popular, which Beck's attempting to recreate effectively.
- The use of 'fake' construction for the drink shows a more creative outlook on the process, in contrast to the relatively robotic and mundane factory construction

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